RF Antenna, Standard Gain Horn Antenna with Curve Edge
15 dBi Gain, 2.6 GHz to 3.95 GHz, WR-284 Waveguide, SMA Connector OHC-284-15
This OHC-284-15 standard gain horn antenna has a nominal gain from 14 dBi to 16 dBi across the band and a square cover flange. It covers the frequency range from…
RF Antenna, Standard Gain Horn Antenna
20 dBi Gain, 2.6 GHz to 4 GHz, WR-284 Waveguide Standard Gain Horn Antenna
This model OLB-284-20 is a Standard gain horn antenna that offers the gain of 20 dBi across the band and a square cover flange. It covers the frequency range from…
Power Amplifier
OLB-284-15 Pyramidal Standard Gain Horn Antenna
ThismodelOLB-284-15isaStandardgainhornantennathatoffersa gainof15dBiacrosstheband.Itcoversthefrequencyrangefrom2.6 GHzto3.95GHz.StandardgainhornantennaOLB-284-15isknown asawaveguidehornhavingthewaveguideofWR-284.Itis
variousmicrowavefields,includinghigh-precisionmeasurementsand experiments,suchasparticleacceleratorsandastronomical
observations.HPBWofOLB-284-15hasanH-plane&V-Planebeam widthofH30??/V30??.